First Day Back !
1. Inquisitive because as a teacher we should want to learn more about what we are teaching.
2. A good sense of humor because in order to intrigue students we may have to step out of comfort zone and maybe dress up as the people you are learning about or an activity that may be silly, but worth the experience because the students will find the learning experience more meaningful.
3. Knowledgeable, as teachers we should be up to date with what we are learning and willing to put in necessary research to either keep up to date or to find the answer to a student's question. In addition I believed that the discipline of social studies is the study of U.S. history, global history, and though the use of maps, primary sources, and secondary sources. These ideas are what I thought were important and when I joined my group, The Social Studies Squad, I found that we shared similar views. After sharing in our group every group shared and I loved listening to everyones group name. After we shared I found out that this activity was a think-pair-share and I feel like this was a great activity because not only to get to know one another, but also to share one another's point of view on social studies because we may have a different experience with social studies and could bring something unique to our group during our discussion. During this activity I learned that my peers and I had a similar experience and understanding of social studies. I enjoyed listening to how we all thought a teacher should be opened minded and use different teaching strategies. Overall today was a great day back and I look forward to learning more !
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